It’s been a few months coming but it’s finally here, MITT magazine issue 4 with Ouigi Theodore on the cover, is now available to pre-order at The MITT Mrkt.
After getting the third issue out last September, I decided to go independent in publishing the magazine. There were a couple of hurdles to overcome but with the help of some amazing contributors, we’ve put together one of the best issues yet and I couldn’t be more proud. The pages have been sent to the printer, proofs will arrive early next week and then off to the presses!
Pre-orders and subscribers (offered for a limited last year) will have their copies sent out starting March 24th and stockists will start receiving stock in early April.
Thank you again for all of your support, I’m so excited for you to get your mitts on this issue and when you do, I really hope you love it as much as I do.